Thursday, June 5, 2008

Accessibility misunderstanding

Many web designers think that website accessibility is about making an html/css valid website. Trying to achieve this, they use some validation checking engines such as

We have a HUGE misunderstanding here. Making a valid html/css website does not mean that you have an accessible website. Accessibility means that everybody (including visually impaired people) has easy and successful access to your website's functions and content. Accessibility is a term strongly connected to the science of psychology. It has to do with the appropriate use of colors, the type of fonts used, the graphic elements of the website including images and backgrounds, but also accessibility has to do with the structure of your web presentation/application itself: You have not an accessible website when you only put your contact details under the "terms of use" area of your website.

These accessibility factors are not detectable by ANY automated engine including W3C and similar scripts. Only a human can actually determine whether your website is accessible or not. Accessibility validation requires a human mind, not a script. It is all about human psychology.

W3C consortium wrongfully uses the "accessibility" term to promote its (often useful) online services. W3C actually confuses accessility with compatibility. It is necessary for us to follow commonly accepted html/css guidelines when developing a website. In this way we may also succeed a cross-browser / cross-platform validity. But we shall not confuse in any case the terms "source code validity", "cross browser compatibility" with the term of Accessibility.

Personal advice: To make an accessibility test after you have finished developing a website, put your old grandmother (usually old grandmothers may also have some visual problems) in front of the monitor and tell her to use your website. If she succeeds using your website, then you have passed this first test. Then ask many more, as much as you can and gather feedback. Be careful: You have to do this test by physical contact and not remotely. You have to watch about the user's behavior towards your website step by step. Watch his moves, his glances, the time he needs to understand what is going on...

Surely your grandma will prove better than W3C consortium regarding accessibility validation. Trust me.