Webmasters, take a tour to your website's statistics. Now look at your Referrers and examine the search engines. Google is apparently your most popular source of visitors comparing to other search engines. If not, then something is wrong with your website's structure and S.E.O. This simply means that Google is by far the most popular search engine.
Nevertheless, Yahoo has a very rapid and restless crawler: Slurp. I have noticed during the last year that Yahoo's database is larger, containing more recent cached webpages. Slurp is a fast hardworker, faster than Googlebot. But why Yahoo cannot reach Google's popularity? The answer is very simple: Google aims at quality, Yahoo aims at Quantity.
Google's ranking algorithm is the most sophisticated technique ever developed in search technology. No matter how many results Yahoo has, Google tells me which website is the most relevant to my inserted keyword and this is precious. Pagerank technology and the democratic way of ranking based on the quality and the quantity of incoming links is by far the "golden egg" of Google company.
Googlebot and ranking system is developing becoming more and more effective day by day eliminating spam factors and upgrading search ranking policies. If you are wondering how you could take advantage of such a thing, you should merely create and maintain a useful website in html format with a genuine content. Then, submit it to high quality web directories and search for cooperations with other webmasters.
My personal experience in Google's technology and behavior tells me one thing: You cannot deceive Google, and if you manage such a thing, it is temporal and you will pay for it sooner or later. Don't mess with people who are currently having worldwide web in their hands. Just follow their rules, it is not so bad afterall comparing to the benefits you are going to acquire.